
RSS to Blog php script project. Auto-install screen (auto-create MySQL Db).

If you are updating please read this first

The config.php file in your current R2B4 installation has your database details in it
download it from your server and keep a back up before attempting installation of this update.
Then ... 
REMOVE THE 'CONFIG.PHP' file from this new update folder (version 4.5)
BEFORE uploading these new files.

We have added some new features and fixes.
- Compatibility with 'New Blogger' (no longer called 'Blogger Beta')
- Google News Results switched to pull from Google RSS feeds (This will cause a double title to appear in the results, since google formats their feed with a double title, we cannot control this)
New Features
- Global Delete
- Add projects to profiles from the profile screen
- Add projects to pods from the pod screen
- Add projects to link pods from the link pod screen
- Add projects to templates from the template screen
- Add projects to categories from the category screen
- Copy function for all projects, profiles, pods
- Reset Installation to default settings
- First Item in the post from SE or News now links to source
- Execute individual projects
- 'RSS to Blog' standard API (Now you can create your own applications that can communicate directly with rss to blog, the possibilities are endless ... with the new API you now have a standard way to connect to any or all r2b installations to create projects, edit projects, add profiles, add content etc ...)

If you are interested in developing applications for the new 'Rss to Blog' API you can download the API docs here http://rsstoblog.com/API.pdf

If you have any questions about the API or need something that we dont yet offer there please contact us and tell us about it imtiaztips@gmail.com.

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25 web Development PLR articles

All web Development articles are of high quality, were professionally written and come with private label rights (PLR). The articles come in the easy .txt format. You can open and edit them with any text editor.
The structure of the web Development articles is easy and widely supported by blogging tools:
  • First line: title of article
  • Rest: article body
This high quality PLR product was prepared with easy and direct use in mind. You can put it directly into most mass publishing or auto blogging tools, adding web Development content to your web site instantly or dripping over time.
This product includes the web Development articles:
  • Personal Tracking Devices (522 words)
  • Phishing Is A Serious Threat – Be Prepared (536 words)
  • Phone Accessories At Wholesale Prices (401 words)
  • Photographing-the-young (706 words)
  • Photography And The Cell Phone (653 words)
  • Photoshop Cs2 Tutorials (647 words)
  • Photoshop Cs2 Tutorials For Beginners (564 words)
  • Photoshop Cs Review – Need It Or Dump It? (583 words)
  • Photoshop Layers Tutorials (404 words)
  • Photoshop Plug-ins: Making Photoshop Even More Powerful (346 words)
  • Photoshop Tutorials (576 words)
  • Photoshop Video Tutorials On File Formats (422 words)
  • Photoshop: Changing The Way We Make And See Images (590 words)
  • Photo Enforcement: The Red-light Stories Photos Tell (591 words)
  • Photo Shop Tutorial Effect (559 words)
  • Php (451 words)
  • Php – A First Look (465 words)
  • Php And Mysql Programming Security (442 words)
  • Php And Mysql Training (451 words)
  • Php Development Is Becoming Increasingly Popular (592 words)
  • Php In A Nutshell (833 words)
  • Physical Benefits Of Using A Wireless Telephone Headset (412 words)
  • Pink: The Reigning Queen Of Ring Tones (356 words)
  • Pinnacle Pctv Rave (515 words)
  • Pioneer Leading The Plasma Tv World (492 words)
This quality product contains 25 web Development articles with a total of 13109 words. The average length is 524 words.
BONUS for 25 web Development PLR articles, #56:
Find an overview file _index-of-web Development-articles.diz, that
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PHP and MySQL based file management system

ProjectSend is PHP and MySQL based file management system aimed at managing client-specific files. Clients are created and assigned a username and a password. Then you can upload as much files as you want under each account, and optionally add a name and description to them.

 Some of the features of ProjectSend taken directly from their website:
  • Unlimited file size uploading! (thanks to plupload, uploding in “chunks” allows you to overcome any server restriction on file and post sizes).
  • Upload several files at a time and then add the information to all of them on a single screen.
  • Upload from the web interface directly or by FTP, and then import the files into ProjectSend.
  • Clients can upload files to their accounts.
  • Possibility to hide or show files from clients after they were uploaded.
  • Really simple and attractive design. Ease of use for both users and clients!
  • Comes with an installer.
  • User roles (Administrator. Account Manager, Uploader).
  • Sortable full lists of files, users and clients.
  • Options for localization (you can select your timezone and date format). This is reflected inmediatly on every list.
  • Templates system allows you to easily change the files list features and appearance.
  • Two templates included: Default and Gallery.
  • Options and branding selection pages. Your company logo is seen on the clients lists.
  • Can be translated easily via .po files
Website: http://code.google.com/p/clients-oriented-ftp/
Demo: http://www.softaculous.com/demos/ProjectSend


Installation Configuration of PHP

Once PHP has been installed on your computer, you can customize it to fit your needs. Although some
of the configuration settings deal with how the information is shown through the browser, a great many
of the settings relate to how the server handles errors and how those errors are displayed to you and
your users. You will also be able to have some control over how PHP interacts with MySQL.

Testing Your Installation:

To ensure that both PHP and Apache have been installed together, write another test program. Open
Notepad and type the following program:

PHP Testing

echo “If this works, we really did it!”;
Save this file as phptest.php. Open your browser and type http://localhost/phptest.phpand you
should see the screen shown in Fig=1

Customizing Your Installation:

The configuration file that holds the key to how PHP runs on your computer is named php.ini; it can
be found in the root directory where you extracted your installation files. For the purposes of our discus-sion, we assume that you extracted the files to c:\ and then renamed the installation directory to
The php.inifile includes a brief explanation of each of the configuration settings, which are beyond the
scope of this discussion. However, you are encouraged to read through the entire introduction of the
php.inifile before you begin making changes. In the table that follows, we touch on some of the more
commonly changed settings.

Money making link.

PHP5: The Future of PHP

At the time of this writing, PHP5, the newest version of PHP, is in the beta-testing phase. While we can’t
speculate on which changes, if any, will be made to the final release, we would be negligent if we did not
prepare you for some changes that will most likely be in store for those who choose to upgrade. Knowledge
of these changes is especially important for those of you who have your Web sites hosted by a third-party
hosting company; if that company decides to upgrade, you will be along for the ride. Like it or not, their
decisions ultimately affect how you code your programs.

Throughout this book, we draw attention to concepts or syntax that will change in PHP5. This informa-tion is for your benefit only and does not affect the PHP version most commonly used today, the one dis-cussed in this book.

A Brief Overview of PHP5:

With the development of PHP5, Zend brings some new methodologies to the PHP table. The biggest
change to note is the switch in focus from procedural programming to OOP (object oriented program-ming). While procedural programming has served PHP well thus far, large and complex programs are
much better served with OOP. Currently, PHP4 passes variables by value instead of reference. PHP5
changes all that. The new PHP5 provides for improved error handling and integration of objects from
external sources, such as Java.

PHP5 will change the way you do some things, and although it’s still in beta testing at the time of this
writing, we have tried to isolate specific code and circumstances that are most likely to need alteration if
and when you upgrade to PHP5. In each chapter that covers a topic that may be affected should the
upgrade take place, we will bring this information to your attention.

Installation Configuration of Apache:

For the purposes of working through this book, we assume that you have installed Apache on your com-puter. If you haven’t done so but would like to, you can find detailed installation instructions in
Appendix I.
Before you begin configuring and customizing your installation, take a minute to make sure you have
installed everything correctly.

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Where to Find PHP and More

You can find PHP at http://www.php.net/. PHP is open-source software, which means you won't need your credit card when you download it.

The PHP Web site is an excellent resource for PHP coders. The entire manual can be read online at http://www.php.net/manual/, complete with helpful annotations from other PHP coders. You can also download the manual in several formats.

You can find out more about getting Linux for your computer at 
http://www.linux.org/help/beginner/distributions.html. If you want to run Linux on a Power PC, you can find information about Yellow Dog Linux at http://www.yellowdoglinux.com/. Mac OS X, Apple's latest operating system, is based on Unix BSD and can run PHP with no problems. If you are running OS X, you can find installation information at http://www.php.net/manual/en/install.macosx.php.

If you want to run PHP with Windows, you can find complete installation instructions at http://www.php.net/manual/en/install.windows.php.

MySQL, one of the two databases we will use in this book, can be downloaded from http://www.mysql.com. Versions are available for many operating systems, including Unix, Windows, and OS/2.

Platforms, Servers, Databases, and PHP

Platforms, Servers, Databases, and PHP

PHP is truly cross-platform. It runs on the Windows operating system; most versions of Unix, including Linux; and Macintosh OS X. Support is provided for a range of Web servers including Apache (itself open-source and cross-platform), Microsoft Internet Information Server, WebSite Pro, the iPlanet Web Server, and Microsoft's Personal Web Server. The latter is useful if you want to test your scripts offline on a Windows machine, although Apache can also be run on Windows.

On most servers PHP can be installed as a server module. In other words, it runs as part of the server process rather than as a separate application. PHP is also installed as a standalone command-line application.

In this book, we will concentrate on building Web applications, but do not underestimate the power of PHP as a general scripting tool comparable to Perl. The fact that PHP runs as a command-line application means that any server that supports CGI scripts should be able to work with it. Configuration, though, will vary from server to server.

PHP is designed to integrate easily with databases. This feature is one of the factors that makes the language such a good choice for building sophisticated Web applications. PHP supports almost every database currently available, either directly or via Open Database Connectivity (ODBC).

Throughout this book, we will use a combination of Linux, Apache, and MySQL. We will also introduce SQLite, a lightweight but powerful SQL library that is newly bundled with PHP 5. All these are free to download and use and can be installed relatively easily on a PC.

The Zend Engine

When PHP 3 was written, an entirely new parser was created from the ground up. The introduction of PHP 4 represented a similar revolution in the code base. Zend is a scripting engine that sits below the PHP-specific modules. It was optimized to ensure massively improved performance and extensibility.

PHP 5 brings new fundamental improvements with the introduction of the Zend Engine 2. We have already touched on the great change ushered in by ZE2. The engine provides significantly enhanced support for object-oriented programming. For the first time, objects and object-oriented design lie at the heart of PHP, making it an even more suitable platform for large enterprise applications.


Because of the powerful Zend engine, PHP shows solid performance compared with other server scripting languages, such as ASP, Perl, and Java Servlets, in benchmark tests. To further improve performance, you can acquire a caching tool (Zend Accelerator) from http://www.zend.com/; it stores compiled code in memory, eliminating the overhead of parsing and interpreting source files for every request.


PHP is designed to run on many operating systems and to cooperate with many servers and databases. You can build for a Unix environment and shift your work to NT without a problem. You can test a project with Personal Web Server and install it on a Unix system running on PHP as an Apache module.

What's New in PHP 5

PHP 5 introduces numerous new features that will make the programmer's life more interesting. Let's take a quick look at some of them. If they don't make sense to you now, don't worry, we cover all these features in detail in this book:

  • PHP has new integrated for support for XML. The various functions and classes provided to handle XML in different ways all now use the same underlying library (libxml2). This should make XML features more stable and interoperable.
  • The SQLite SQL library is now bundled with PHP, together with all the functions you need to work with it.
  • PHP now supports private and protected methods and properties in classes.
  • PHP supports class constants.
  • Objects passed to functions and methods are now passed by reference. That is, a reference to an object is passed around your script rather than copies of objects. This significantly reduces the likelihood of bugs in object-oriented code.
  • PHP supports static methods and properties, making more advanced object-oriented designs possible.
  • Methods can now be declared to require particular object types.
  • The comparison operator (===) now checks that two references point to the same object. Previously, it was hard to test objects in this way.
  • PHP now supports abstract classes and interfaces.
Many of these improvements are due to some fundamental changes under the hood.

PHP: From Home Page to Web Enterprise.(Part-1)

You'll Learn:
  • What PHP is
  • About PHP's history
  • What improvements can be found in PHP 5
  • Some options that add features to your PHP binary
  • Some reasons you should choose to work with PHP
Welcome to PHP! you will look at almost every element of the PHP language. But first, you will explore PHP as a product its history, features, and future.

What PHP is:

PHP is officially known as PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor. It is a server-side scripting language often written in an HTML context. Unlike an ordinary HTML page, a PHP script is not sent directly to a client by the server; instead, it is parsed by the PHP engine. HTML elements in the script are left alone, but PHP code is interpreted and executed. PHP code in a script can query databases, create images, read and write files, talk to remote servers—the possibilities are endless. The output from PHP code is combined with the HTML in the script and the result sent to the user.

PHP is also installed as a command-line application, making it an excellent tool for scripting on a server. Many system administrators now use PHP for the sort of automation that has been traditionally handled by Perl.

What Need Does PHP Fulfill?

There have been scripting solutions for as long as there has been a World Wide Web. As the need to create sites with dynamic content has grown in recent years, so has the pressure to create robust environments quickly and efficiently. Although C can be a great solution for creating fast server tools, it is also hard to work with and can easily produce security holes if not carefully deployed. Perl, a language originally developed for text processing naturally met the demand for dynamic Web environments. Much easier to deploy safely than C, its slower performance has always been more than balanced by the comparatively fast development cycle it offers. Even more useful has been the increasing availability of a large number of stable code libraries for Perl.

So where does PHP fit in? PHP was written especially for the Web. Many of the issues and problems faced by Web programmers are addressed within the language itself. Whereas a Perl programmer must use an external library or write code to acquire data submitted by the user of a Web page, PHP makes this data automatically available. Whereas a Perl programmer must install modules to enable her to write database-driven environments, PHP bundles a powerful SQL database library and provides built-in support for a whole range of third-party databases. In short, because PHP has been created for Web programmers, it has a set of functions for almost any typical problem you might encounter, from managing user sessions to handling XML documents.

So, do we have to pay for this ease of use with even slower performance? Not at all. PHP is designed to run as a module with many server applications, which means that there are none of the start-up overheads associated with CGI scripts. The fact that many typical tasks are handled by PHP means that developers are freed from reliance on utility libraries that can slow things down.

It is not the case that PHP does not provide libraries, though. Perl has the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN), and PHP has the PHP Extension and Application Repository (PEAR)—its own repository of powerful packages that extend PHP's power.

Introducing PHP and MySQL

Enter PHP and MySQL. These two make up what must be the best combination for data-driven Web sites
on the planet. You needn't take my word for it. An unofficial Netcraft survey shows that PHP usage has
jumped from 7,500 hosts in June 1998 to 410,000 in March 1999. That's not bad. The combination was also awarded Database of the Year at Webcon98, where it received a lovely tiara.

MySQL is a small, compact database server ideal for small - and not so small - applications. In addition to
supporting standard SQL (ANSI), it compiles on a number of platforms and has multithreading abilities on
Unix servers, which make for great performance. For non-Unix people, MySQL can be run as a service on
Windows NT and as a normal process in Windows 95/98 machines.

PHP is a server-side scripting language. If you've seen ASP, you'll be familiar with embedding code within an
HTML page. Like ASP, PHP script is processed by the Web server. After the server plays with the PHP code, it returns plain old HTML back to the browser. This kind of interaction allows for some pretty complex operations.

In addition to being free (MySQL does have some licensing restrictions though), the PHP-MySQL
combination is also cross-platform, which means you can develop in Windows and serve on a Unix platform.
Also, PHP can be run as an external CGI process, a stand-alone script interpreter, or an embedded Apache

If you're interested, PHP also supports a massive number of databases, including Informix, Oracle, Sybase,
Solid, and PostgreSQL - as well as the ubiquitous ODBC.

PHP supports a host of other features right at the technological edge of Internet development. These
include authentication, XML, dynamic image creation, WDDX, shared memory support, and dynamic PDF
document creation to name but a few. If that's not enough, PHP is easy to extend, so you can roll your
own solution if you're programming savvy.

Finally, since both efforts are collaborative in nature, there's always plenty of support from documentation
and mailing lists. Bugs are fixed rapidly, and requests for features are always heard, evaluated, and if
feasible, implemented.


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