
RSS to Blog php script project. Auto-install screen (auto-create MySQL Db).

If you are updating please read this first

The config.php file in your current R2B4 installation has your database details in it
download it from your server and keep a back up before attempting installation of this update.
Then ... 
REMOVE THE 'CONFIG.PHP' file from this new update folder (version 4.5)
BEFORE uploading these new files.

We have added some new features and fixes.
- Compatibility with 'New Blogger' (no longer called 'Blogger Beta')
- Google News Results switched to pull from Google RSS feeds (This will cause a double title to appear in the results, since google formats their feed with a double title, we cannot control this)
New Features
- Global Delete
- Add projects to profiles from the profile screen
- Add projects to pods from the pod screen
- Add projects to link pods from the link pod screen
- Add projects to templates from the template screen
- Add projects to categories from the category screen
- Copy function for all projects, profiles, pods
- Reset Installation to default settings
- First Item in the post from SE or News now links to source
- Execute individual projects
- 'RSS to Blog' standard API (Now you can create your own applications that can communicate directly with rss to blog, the possibilities are endless ... with the new API you now have a standard way to connect to any or all r2b installations to create projects, edit projects, add profiles, add content etc ...)

If you are interested in developing applications for the new 'Rss to Blog' API you can download the API docs here http://rsstoblog.com/API.pdf

If you have any questions about the API or need something that we dont yet offer there please contact us and tell us about it imtiaztips@gmail.com.

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